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Bomb It

Blue Bomb It Boy Pink Bomb It Girl

First Bomberman game was developed in the 1980s. Idea of the game was liked and spread by gamers. Developers have created new game's versions, new updates and fresh releases globally. Modern Bomb It game series is an example of a real game-hit that stays on the top for generations of players.

Main Features

  • General concept. Early action game that makes players excited and requires them to be fast and concentrated. However, unlike other games of action genre – Bomb It never associated with violence or stress.
  • Popular characters. Even if you never played Bomb It - you've probably seen its famous characters. Cute humanoid-robots became a symbol of new game's era. Developers have been changing appearance of main heroes from game to game, however, they are still recognizable and, surely, loved:
    • White Bomberman - cheerful interplanetary policeman that saves world from numerous threads.
    • Black Bomberman - in different game's releases this character becomes opponent or partner of White robot.
    • Bomberman Max - a mysterious character that challenges White humanoid in many games, while in others becomes his good friend.
    • Dr.Ein - a scientist that helps Bomberman in his missions. Some say this character reminds famous Albert Einstein.
    • Pretty Bomber - charming blonde robot that stays devoted friend of a Bomberman and a lady of his heart.
    Each release of a game adds new favorite characters to a list and new pages to a decades-long story.
  • Variations. Great ideas don't disappear - they inspire and become a beginning of a new trend. Bomb It became that base that made creation of hundreds of games possible. Today it is inspired games differ by design, complicity and level of difficulty.

Reasons to Play Right Now

  • It's available for all browsers with Adobe Flash and HTML5 support: PC, laptop, smartphone or other device connected to internet. The game is played online: no download or installation needed.
  • It's free. Game and its numerous variations are free to play. Enjoy it any time, try new releases - pay nothing.
  • It can be played with a partner. Unlike many other action games, Bomb It can be played by two players using one device simultaneously: no extra equipment is needed.

Our site is a great collection of most appreciated Bomberman and Bomb It games alongside with their variations - choose your favorite character and play it here!

Bomb It Games